Thursday, January 18, 2007

Obama comes out FOR Hurricane Katrina

Illinois Senator and Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama is talking some serious trash. No, it's not about potential rival Hillary Clinton but rather America's team -- the New Orleans Saints.

You see, his hometown Chicago Bears are taking on the Saints in this weekend's NFC Championship Game. And unlike other politicians who would tow the line and say they were happy for both teams, Obama is unafraid to take sides.

"I'm happy for New Orleans, I think it's a wonderful city, but this fairy tale ends when they come to Chicago next week," Obama said.

Oh, snap! Rumor has it that Obama will dance on the Saints' logo if the Bears emerge triumphant this weekend.

In all seriousness, however, I think most voters -- even Saints fans -- appreciate the fact that Obama is willing to take a stand and support his team, even though he know most of the nation is rooting for New Orleans. It reminds me of when Mayor Rudy Giuliani openly rooted for the Yankees in the 2000 World Series, despite the fact that they were playing the Mets.

Sports fans appreciate passion from other sports fans.

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